网信彩票 - 购彩大厅

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                Company Introduction

                Guangzhou Long Chuang Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd  was established in 2009.It is specialized in researching,developing,producing and selling varieties of AC-DC Switching Mode Power Supply( SMPS ) and LED driver. Our factory covers over 4000㎡,with the annual capacity of more than 1million units.All our products have been approved by CCC、CE&RoHS certificates.

                We have strong technical strength advanced production equipment,and we own the import and export rights ourselves.

                Our products have been exporting to Europe,North America,South America,Middle East,Southeast Asia,and more than 60countries and regions,which enjoy good reputation in the field.

                Looking forward to working with you to create mutual benefits!

                Product center

                Our products are widely used in indoor and outdoor LED lighting, LED landscape lighting&City view, LED sign, advertising Light Box, security and protection monitoring&CCTV, electrical appliances, etc.

